Hi! I am trying to make an Aim Down Sights sytem for my FPS game, and I want to make it so the tool’s grip rotation becomes altered when the player does aim down sights, and I never got to make it reliably work, it’s either always slightly off, or the rotations get fully messed up, I cannot replicate it (the bug where the rotations become very messed up) consistently either, so I don’t know the causation for it.
Could anyone suggest a better way to do this? I used local scripts to achieve that.
I am trying to implement an Aim Down Sights feature into my game, but when the Aim Down Sights animation plays, the gun ends up being positioned in a slightly weird angle which blocks your vision and prevents you from aiming, I am trying to via code adjust that rotation, but sometimes the rotation breaks and the gun goes off into a random rotation. And I am asking if there’s a more reliable way to alter the tool grip.
Is it understandable now?
Also yes! I did try Motor6Ds, I am actually trying to edit the RightGrip motor6D that appears in the player’s Right Arm when they equip the gun.