What is the options argument of dss:GetDataStore()


there is literally no information about this

It’s for the upcoming DataStore 1.1 API. It’s not released for public yet that’s why there is no info about it.

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do you have any links about that like what is the DataStore 1.1? how is it different?

You can read this topic to get more information about it:

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You can’t use it on games that aren’t to. You would have to be in the beta, which is now closed, you can’t get in anymore.

DataStore 1.1 is a datastore revamp, some changes are:

Linking userIds to data;
Attributes, set tags for data.
Versioning, otherwise known as backups.

Listing datastores, keys, versions (backups).

And some other stuff.

They actually closed the beta yesterday for everybody so no one can use it now. Something happened with a vulnerability, which is being fixed. It’s probably gonna get fixed in the next 2 days.

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