I’m trying to use the SetAccessorys() function, it doesn’t work when I try to use it for layer clothing
Input table missing Order!
my table is structured like this
AccessoryType = AccessoryType,
AssetId = ProductInfo.AssetId,
IsLayered = ProductInfo.AssetTypeId >= 64 and ProductInfo.AssetTypeId <= 72,
Order = nil,
any table entry that does not have an Order will be considered a rigid accessory and put in the appropriate property according to the AccessoryType
I’m using GetProductInfo() to retrieve the assetid, and the accessorytype however it doesn’t give return a order property, I’m a bit confused on what the property even is for, and what should I even set it to
Here a video with what i’m trying to do, It puts on the wolf head fine, but not the maid outfit cause its a layered clothing item