What is the proper way to use CollectionService with player UI?

I want to be able to organize and quick access UI when a player joins my Roblox game. The issue is, I feel as though my solution is less effective than what would be considered as the most optimized way to do this.

Solution I have tried: Get the tagged objects fully loaded under PlayerGui after the character spawns, so that the CollectionService gets all the tagged UI within PlayerGui:

local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")

local player = Players.LocalPlayer

local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- Don't need character, but hacky code to get playergui fully loaded

local UIButtons = CollectionService:GetTagged("UIButton")

After that, I looped through the returned table by UIButtons and used this if statement to get rid of any tags associated with UI under the StarterGui:

for _, button in UIButtons do
		if player:FindFirstChild(button.Name, true) then

Any help would be greatly appreciated!