Hello, Yesterday, I received a DMCA over a shirt. I believe that isn’t even copyrighted or trademarked anymore; it was a bohemian flag from the 1912 Olympics, and the DMCA was from the IOC themselves.
This was a shocker, as it was the first DMCA I ever received online. I run a flag shop on Roblox that has hundreds of different pieces of clothing related to various flags and emblems, and I never had a good history with moderation, despite nothing really being wrong with my assets in the past.
after I got the DMCA, they mentioned a “remediation program,” which confused me at first, People so far are stating that the program removes your strike after 6 months, but it seems that by some, It’s suggested to not join unless all copyrighted content is removed from your profile, and I cannot archive or fully delete clothing or anything like that; I can only override models, archive decals, etc.
I was suggested to contact ROBLOX’s copyright_agent email with a list of assets I want removed. I did so, but I have not received a reply just yet. The agent did reply a bit before trying to give me context on the program, but I was still confused.
Is it worth joining? or no?
would getting a strike while being a part of the program be the same as getting a strike while not being a member of it?
what are the pros and cons of joining?
is it really that useful?