What is the UniqueId property?

I’ve noticed a new read-only property under all Roblox instances named UniqueId. This property can’t be accessed through code and is only visible within the object browser. What’s this new property about? Is it a unique identifier that instances use? Is this what the comparison between instances actually compares? Why don’t we have access to it through code? Security reasons?

Also when was that added? Are there any announcements related to it?


Apparently they tried adding it a few months back but had an issue where it was editable. It seems to be just making an existing backend thing accessible to developers (namely the identifier of each instance).
Speculation in other posts suggest that it may be to do with the Instance API, which does make use of a 32 digit hexidecimal identifying system for instances.

I expect that it will be mentioned in this weeks release notes, or potentially the one after.


Update: I’ve confirmed that it does seem to match up with the InstanceAPI IDs:


i literally just saw it so that means it was probably made visible by accident in this week’s update


Get hype this hopefully means we can uniquely identify objects without extra compiling in the code, no ObjectValues, whattttt

they should seriously allow this to be accessable thru scripts

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