What is this error?

Hi, we have problem with HTTP service:

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

-- ID de la place
local placeId = 7354654701

-- API pour récupérer les infos de la place
local url = "https://games.roblox.com/v1/games/" .. placeId .. "/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100"
local response = HttpService:GetAsync(url, true)
local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(response)

-- Boucle à travers les serveurs pour compter les joueurs
local playerCount = 0
for _, server in ipairs(data.data) do
	playerCount = playerCount + server.playing

print("Nombre de joueurs dans la place " .. placeId .. ": " .. playerCount)

We have this error :
Thank for help.

You can’t send direct requests to the Roblox servers using HttpService. You would need to use a proxy; there’s a couple of them on the forum you can use

Please tell me which proxy? Thank you !

Indeed, Roblox prevents direct requests to game servers using HttpService for security reasons. However, there are ways to use proxies to circumvent this limitation. However, it is important to note that using proxies to access Roblox resources may be considered a violation of the Roblox Terms of Service and may result in penalties against your account.