What is this font called?

What is the font of the robux price and “MEGA HUGE PACK”?


Hey, @Calum_Dev! How are you doing? I hope you are having a great day! :pray:t2:

For the names of the packs, it is called “Fredoka One”. As for the “MEGA HUGE PACK”, “Bungee Inline”.

Here are the links to all of them:

Font | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub — Fredoka One is no longer available on the Creator Store from what I tried to research, but you can convert within scripts :sweat_smile:


Hopefully, this can help you out!


Hello, @JuanGamerPlayz_RBLX! Thanks for this amazing reply! These seem to be the exact fonts I need. Hope you have a great day too and good luck on your programming journey! :smiley:


Wait, do you know how to get the texted filled with out the “inline” like in the pic provided?

Yup! It is a simple method to hide the inlines from the text! All you have to do is insert a UIStroke and change the color based on the TextColor3!

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Nice it worked! But how do I add 2 UIStokes the the in the pic?

Hey @Calum_Dev!

Huge sorry if I couldn’t reply on the same day, my Developer Forum didn’t notify me about this comment… However, I am here to respond once and for all!

I noticed that instead of using a UIStroke to fill up the inlines of a font, you can just apply its style as bold. Then, you can add a UIStroke and choose any color you’d like… An oopsy-doopsy of mine, but the result will be as you wanted!