What is this issue?

I’ve been having this problem for a week. Can anyone help with this?

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Can you explain more on what the issue is? To me it just looks normal.

Normally I wouldn’t have colored circles in my studio. They started appearing with an update a few days ago.

I see, are any of these properties in the physics tab enabled?

If they are, try disabling them.

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I tried it. It doesn’t worked.

That’s strange… This is the first time I am seeing such a bug. I think it could be due to a few reasons:

A part made by a plugin that you have. A part in the model.

The above statements could be correct if you try disabling all plugins and loading a new place.

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These may be plugins installed in your studio that give out this bug. Have you tried reinstalling Roblox Studio?

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I tried reinstalling. It didn’t work. I will try the plugins now.

Yes, the problem was with plugins.
I’ve had to edit them for a long time anyway. Thanks for the help guys. :slight_smile:

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If me or @LEONIZZZZZZZ solved the issue then please mark our post as the solution and not yours. I have mentioned plugins first though but it’s upto you, whose post you want to mark as solution.

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