What is this "Stat Sender" place?

My game uses TeleportService to move players between places, but earlier today for no reason it sent me here:

Instead of the actual PlaceId I put into the TeleportService:Teleport request. What’s going on here?

(Also, if this is the wrong part of the forum, lmk)


You probably have a virus from a free model. A good chunk of free models have hidden scripts inside them that usually teleport people to places like these. Search for “script” in your workspace and try to see if you have anything out of place


I checked and there’s none there. It’s all scripts I wrote.

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I even did a Ctrl + Shift + F to search all scripts and I didn’t see anything that should be sending players wayward like that.


There are two things to check. First, check that your Place ID is the actual ID and that you did not mess up the ID. The second thing to check is if it consistently teleports you to this game. If it keeps doing it, there may be other scripts using TeleportService that are teleporting you there.


Try searching the following things in all scripts:
If you find something suspicious, then it may be the cause of your problems.


Just using the explorer search bar for “script” will show you all script instances


Check your plugins, and see if any of them only have a bunch of dislikes, and/or weird names like “BOB BOB BOB BOB BOB BOB” (Just an example)


does this plugin need to be uninstalled completely for this to be fixed? ive searched all of my scripts and everything and I have no free models in my game, along with this no suspicious plugins. This is still happening to me, and no script in my game uses the teleportservice.

Yes, can I see your plugins please?

These are the plugins i have installed on studio.

Hmm the Anti-Virus looks kinda suspicious, where did you find it?

Some roblox youtube video, I’ve had it for about a year now and it was reccommended to me from some other developer friends.

Can I see the plugin on the ROBLOX website?

Sure, let me grab the link.


Try deleting it, in the comments of the plugin, people are saying it doesn’t work, or they have another problem

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Here’s the source code to that antivirus plugin:

It’s still sending me to the stat sender place, though now its rarer.

Paste this into command bar and see if there is any scripts that you are not aware of

	for _, v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("Script") or v:IsA("LocalScript") then

Still all of my scripts. None of them are from free models and nothing in the game has teleport service.