So in scripts I see parts with
‘In_,v in pairs’ but I never know how it works,when to use and what it is.
Can someone explain pls? TY!
I’ll get straight,I’m trying to understand this script
for _, v in pairs(list:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("TextButton") and table.find(allowedButtons, v.Name) then
target = v.Name
in pairs is a type of loop that is specifically for tables and dictionaries. It returns 2 things for each iteration, the index it is currently in if it’s a table, or if it’s a table, it returns the key it’s currently on, and the value in that index/key.
local fruits = {"Banana","Apple","Mango"}
for i,v in pairs(fruits) do
print(i,v) --Prints 1 Banana then 2 Apple and then 3 Mango
For dictionaries
local dict = {
["Apple"] = "Delicious",
["Banana"] = "A banana"
for i,v in pairs(dict) do
print(i,v) --Prints Apple Delicious and Banana A banana
you can name i and v anything you want, typically people use _ to name the first return because they have no use for it, if they do have a use for it, they’ll give it a proper name
I suggest watching the video made by @Alvin_Blox to fully understand for i, v in pairs() do
Edit: By the way, the i and the v could be anything, as said in the video, but we just normally use i and v, bexause i stands for index and v stands for value but I could change it to for minecraft, roblox in pairs() do if I wanted to. The name of the table that you want to loop through goes into the brackets/parenthesis, @Alvin_Blox also explains how this could be useful in developing too, he really doesn’t leave you in the dark.
In simple terms, it’s a loop that can read through each item in a table. The script you’ve shown will loop through each item that is parented under the ‘list’ then, it’ll check if it’s a text button, and it is in a table of allowed buttons, before creating a clicked event which sets the ‘target’ to the name of the current item in the table.
Imagine you were driving down a street and counting each house as you went. The number you’re at would be the i and the house itself would be v, and the street is the table. The i and v get their names just from “index” and “value”. They can be renamed to anything.