What is World of Robloxia?

Hello, this is my 1st Topic so it could be bad. So me and another teammate are making a game Called World of Robloxia an MMORPG that can have up to 35 players due to the size of the map. there is a type system that is in the works the map is done and our planned release date is April 1st.

The inspirations for World of Robloxia are Runespace, Albion Online, Vesteria, and World Zero.


From my perspective it needs lots of work first the walls. Instead of those wall and trees make the wall look like mountains because it does looks strange. You need roads, Your houses need to be shaped and colored differently to make it more nature. I would switch up the terrain to make it bumpy and not blocky. So far so good but needs lots of work.

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Ok, thanks for the tip I would do that.

Enable Terrain decoration, and the terrain needs a bit more work too make it look a tad better.

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What? What’s that is that the thing when you can add Grass?

Click on Terrain in the Workspace, go to properties of the terrain, and click on Enable Decoration.

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Ok, Things for the help I will do that.