What is your best "tactic" for making semi-realistic or realistic windows?

Hello DevForums! I’m currently working on my 3rd build and I have a dilemma! I can’t make windows. They look like something from 2009

The window:

Please give me any type of tip on this please, I really need to figure out how to make windows look good! Btw here is the picture im attempting to replicate.

Hey there. So basically making windows isnt a huge challenge, ROBLOX has a wonderful new-ish material called Glass. It’s great because it slightly distorts the image behind it, and reflects light from the sun/skybox similar to how a window would normally act.

I make mine 0.3 transparency and the BrickColor “Fog.” This is probably the most realistic way right now, I can’t really achieve a similar effect with any other materials.

Also, I wouldn’t make your window a wedge. In your reference photo, it looks like a simple glass pane which is just rectangular.

Hope this helps.


I would always use white as the color, go for much higher transparency values than you currently are using (maybe ~0.5), and try to use the Glass material if you aren’t using it already for your windows as the above post stated. It will also look much better when you have an actual backdrop or interior to help the window stand out more.

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