What is your dream for your ROBLOX experience?

I was wondering what is your dream for your ROBLOX experience . many Developers have completely different dreams and I would like to hear your opinion.

    1. to see your game grow.
    1. to earn Real-currency.
    1. all above.
    1. Others.
What is your dream for your ROBLOX experience?
  • to see your game grow.
  • to earn Real-currency.
  • all above.
  • Others.

0 voters


Definitely see my game grow!

That’s an answer everyone should put because ofc you would want to. :grinning:

To make something that players enjoy, that is creative, innovating and fun for everyone! After all I think I only develop to see how players enjoy my game and how my creativity can make something epic. =]

To make some robux and see the game grow

currently making a game and my goal/dream is for it to not feel like a roblox game at all

to make something that would be fresh to Roblox, and something that I can make squeals of, to continue its story and it still be interesting. Also to show what Roblox is capable of…

I would hope that it would be enjoyed by many, and see it grow a fan base, big or small. money yes would be nice, but not necessary for me, just would make something I’d want to play and share it with others

Make robux and create something players enjoy.

Even though many people doesn’t play my games I just want to give them the best experience that they can have while they play it.

I’m waiting and have been waiting for the day to look at my game and see a high player count. I’ve always wanted to see my game grow. I value that more than money, though I do like that as well.

Some advice: Dont have fantasies or dreams about your roblox experience.

Everyone here can make all of the above become true.

Just keep doing your best and you will reach all of your goals :sparkles:

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To see my game grow. I could make the best game in the world and still not be satisfied if it never had a community.

One day, I want to get a lot of players in at least one of my games experience.

I want to either make or work for a really successful group. Not necessarily for money or fame, but for the achievement and experience. Don’t get me wrong, though, the money and fame can be cool too, as long as you don’t get corrupted from it haha.

money and game grow for me personally

My dream is to become a full time roblox developer i want to make experience on roblox for a living

why is this a bulletin board LOL

To create useful open-sourced technologies.

I want to make something, which doesn’t just attract players in Roblox, but players outside of Roblox. That really will be a true achievement.

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