What is Your Recommended House Ceiling Height?

I’m working on making a house, and so far I can’t decide on how high my roof should be. I currently have it at 8 studs of height on the inside, but I feel like this is a little claustrophobic.

(Don’t worry about the details, it’s in a very early stage)

What is your recommended height for the inside of a house? What feels best to you? Let me know down below. Thanks!

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I tend to go for 1 1/2 - 2 Robloxians. I don’t know the perfect height though.


Hmm, maybe somewhere from 10-13 studs high would do?

Maybe go 10 or even 12 studs. If you want to go higher, I would say 15 is the max limit.

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If you want to go all the way, I would go 20 studs. But the question is, what do you think is right?

i always put a test npc and then just estimate how the height will be, just put a wall and a ceiling if it feels too small just make it taller. I personally don’t care how exact it has to be with the studs I always just estimate because all my builds with ceilings have different heights for different reasons