What items should I sell in my in-game store?

Hiya! Making a game called The Avatar Mall, and we need some items for our in-game store.
The game uses “Mall Money”, which you get 100 of every 5 minutes. Collecting more coins allows you to buy better gear.

I need some ideas for gear that can be added to the store. They must not affect other users too much, so no damaging etc. We currently have a Bloxy Cola (which will probably be changed to a sparkler) and a balloon which makes you jump higher and float down.


Client sided boombox perhaps? :eyes:

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what about Gravity coil and Speed coil

A scooter would be a fun idea.

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Speed coil could be annoying for other users if people use it frequently, but I could do something similar with a cool down instead. The balloon is similar to the gravity coil

Some sort of map of the area, or if you want to be inventive a compass that users can use to direct them to new areas???

Hmm, this would be a good idea for an adventure game, but at the moment the Mall is relatively small with little secrets. I’ll definitely think about adding this in the future though, would be interesting.

For trails, add ones that look nice and can perhaps do something that affects the gameplay. For example, a trail that can bring you double the amount of Mall Money, or something that gives you speed.

I really like the concept you’re talking about, hopefully, this helped bring some kind of idea!

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the uh the fake gun the one which does “pew pew”

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that’s actually a great idea, completely forgot about that item. Thanks!

funny signs, cool foods, plushies, toys

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