Building a game that people can roleplay on or just drive around. But on the picture it shows what I’ve built so far which a Gun Store, Vehicle Dealership, And two other building that will not have names. I still have a lot of work to do before this game even comes out because I am the only builder/scripter. But I really hope you guys like this little sneak peak what I’ve done so far.
Yes for a solo developer this is awesome! Good luck on your project😊
I like the layout you have so far.
I think the colors as well give off a very modern city vibe I like how you can make it colorful, but not too chaotic. They go really well together. It’s also worth mentioning the shapes are pretty unique (such as the curve of the intersection) and I really like the subtle variations in building height
Overall, very well done. Love to see this coming from a solo dev!! Wishing you the best while you continue to expand your game.
On all the edges, I think it would look better yellow.
It looks pretty good for a city. Liking the layout and the way you placed the buildings. Keep up the good work. This is definitely a city I would live in.
I’ve said in other posts relating to the same build
More upclose pictures.
Looks good.