Portuguese, French, Spanish, English, Mandarin, Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, RUSSIAN, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, No using google translate use deepl.com it is a good website google translate is wrong
It doesn’t make much sense, considering when you’re native Chinese you can’t even access Roblox unless you are in China and you’re part of the Roblox China program. Any other native outside of China will know English.
I’ve come across a lot of dutch people in almost every server i join but i think English is already enough for most people to control and to use to communicate.
Hey! Where there is Cambodian language, Cambodia uses Khmer and also the Philippines uses Tagalog, and deepl what you mean is really inaccurate, I will choose google translate!
The best is to get as many translations possible. Preferrably all languages in the world.
There are no downsides to if your thing was translated for all languages.