What makes a good FPS Map?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to make a good FPS map.
  2. What is the issue?
    The issue is I don’t know if I am making a map too bigor a map too small and I want toknow how to make a good FPS map.
  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I tried looking online for some ideas for FPS Maps from the drawings that I made.

Greetings @RobloxyDevFem,

Is it possible for you to share screenshots?


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Not at the time when I’m on mobile.

You gotta make your map really really cool. Detail and fun wise. Adding detail your probably already know what I mean but with fun, try add like cool places to battle small vents or parkour ish areas. Mountains are also pretty fun to fight on too. Make sure the map has a lot of cover. Everyone hates to get sniped from 1000 studs away lol. Hope you do well man!

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Usually a bunch of fps maps feature a bunch of objects large maps you should include maps that feature different locations if you need inspiration, take a look at existing shooting games - online and see what they have to make your map better - good so players could enjoy the overall gameplay so maps with a lot of space such as Badlands, cities, battlefields, ect.

Maps that have good options for infantry or vehicles, there’s a bunch of options you could pick and choose.

Start by drawing up the view of your map or - sketch it and see where different options that are going to be at. If it’s a game you know well, try going from there see what other shooter games have and see what you can do to make yours stand out different mechanics can get a good overall view something what (phantom forces has).

You can base your map off of different locations to make players enjoy the map city, town, areas include coverage options, buildings, bases, just something that players can use to be safe or so they don’t die very easily and quickly Make sure to make use of most of the game’s mechanics. Make the map fun. Buildings, walls, underground tunnels, caves, there’s a bunch of cover options you can use and see whatever suits your liking.

Here is a good thread that you can use to get a good overall understanding on how to make a good fps map useful information to take: