What makes a good group logo?

In your opinion regarding design what makes a group logo good. Like design aspect. What is something in a group logo that would make you want to join the group?


Colors that catch my eye, a very interesting or creative design that shows what the group is about, and just generally a clean logo.


Something that looks professional or clean, fitting the groups style, but not looking like it was drawn with a mouse in Paint.net :stuck_out_tongue:


I think this post needs to be moved to #development-discussion.
However, I think it needs to be appealing to a specific audience. I believe it’s important to learn your market- the competitors and the gaps. This will help you to shape ideas which will mould your logo design into a reality. Afterwards you should make it look diverse to those competitors to make the typical user to catch their eye


You would want to make something catchy, for example… you walk through the streets, and on the corner of your eye, you see something unique, it makes you want to walk up to it and learn about that poster.

It’s pretty much the same on Roblox, you see something you like, you click on that logo to find out more.

What I see as a good logo, basic but flashy. It can’t be too much graphics otherwise the font is harder to read, but you don’t want it too basic, because it’s just plain boring right?

The problem also you’ll be facing, is that the logo will be disliked by some people no matter what, you cannot please everyone sadly.

Another advice is to research some other popular logos, and find the reason why it’s a good logo.

So to sum up what I think is a good logo: plain background, but big font with something graphic in the middle. That’s what I see in a good group logo.


A good group logo should stand out but still have some roots dug in what’s been previously done. Something too alien could put off players, but something too close to home tends to be boring and repetitive. To sum up, somewhere between recognizable and nuance.

Speaking from an artist’s perspective, a good logo is one that quite simply ‘does the job’. It’s one that conveys as much as possible about the group without overwhelming the observer, and appeals to the target audience of the group. Not everyone is going to be attracted to the same logo (due to the fact that not everyone likes certain genres, and how ‘good’ a logo is depends on a lot of factors and is very subjective), so you really should worry about your demographic and how to best appeal to them.

Differentiating yourself from other groups of the same genre certainly does help, as it shows that you have a point of distinction separating you from other groups and can help pull in potential members.

Frankly, a ‘good group logo’ varies from genre to genre; for example I make a lot of roman logos and I try to make them as uniform as possible with multiple roman motifs (e.g. the roman eagle, laurel wreath, etc) to convey that aspect of it. The best way to figure out what a good group logo looks like is to look at your competitors in that genre like @uJordy said. There are certain rules of thumb to use when logo designing (e.g. don’t make it too crowded, dont overwhelm the observer, etc) but aside from that its highly subjective.

Hope this helps!

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I wouldn’t want a roblox rendered game, maybe something cartoonic, digital art drawed, It would be intresting to see a digital art roblox drawed plus it would be cool.

When I get attracted to advertisements or logos, the first impression is colors. If the colors aren’t appealing then I probably won’t investigate further. Make sure your colors flow in harmony and not some super odd mixtures. Gradients sometimes work to help flow the eye too.

The next is the design. When I look at a logo, I usually want something I can easily figure out what the main goal is and something I can remember later. There should be a clear edges and focused in on the logo.

Logos that have become popular recently are very simple. Apple, Nike, Adidas, Target, and Twitter are all good examples of a good distinctive logo. Study the types of logos that are more popular and make sure it fits your group.

A good group logo for me is simple, with simple colors like grey, white, or black. The logo have to be easy to see and not complicated and if the group name can be on the logo, it could be better. :grin:

Simple, keep a known colour scheme with an icon specific to your group. For inspiration, look at @HoudiniDev’s Hidden Developers. They have a shield which is recoloured and added to with seasonal events, but the main icon stays the same. The continuity, I think, is important, because people begin to match your group with your group icon.

In terms of advertisements, you want to create an ad that speaks to the person viewing it. Depending on your group, different tactics could be employed, but one I enjoy and usually click is an abstract design, with a simple colour scheme. If you want to avoid one thing, I’d say it’d have to be character renders, because ROBLOX is already oversaturated with them.

Another way to gain attention is to make lots of advertisements and keep re-running them, so the user’s interest is eventually piqued and they click it. This could be very expensive depending on the CTR of the ad, but with a good, simple ad, that gives the viewer an idea of what the group is ( using it’s logo ) and what the group does ( using text ).

You should also take a look at the following article, which discusses colours:


Your branding should describe your brand. I want to be able to look at your logo and know exactly what you are about.

I think thats important for groups on Roblox as well. Don’t make users guess.

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I’d firstly say it all depends on what you’re trying to send your brand out to, like a Bakery. Bakery’s are usually marketed towards a more younger population of the platform, so they often take appealing colors that attract a Human Eye easily, while still using some colors that give the brand it’s identity.

Colors for say like Yellow, Light Red, Orange, any Pastel color, etc. These are some simple colors that some of the most popular groups on the platform use!

Also, I’d maybe use 2D design, and try avoiding to use a GFX as the logo, as a fraction of people are used to having very simple 2D logos on their phones, like the Camera app, clock, and others!