What makes a good UI based game?

I am currently starting to make a new game but its going to only have UI.

What is the most important part about UI games?

  • Is it the UI itself? (What styles?)
  • How do I keep it interesting without player to player interactions?
  • How do I keep it interesting without a world to explore?
  • Should I do 1 player severs?

Keep the UI simple, clean and easy to understand. But while doing that make it something that players would look at and go ā€œThis is a well made game.ā€


You must add fun and good animations. Make every button ā€œfunā€ to press. Always show feedback to the player (for example: change button color on hover). Also, add sounds that fit the UI well, sounds are a big deal.
The UI should be minimalistic, you should use 2-4 colors, clean, flat buttons and one font. To make it more interesting you can give achievements and tasks for the player (example achievement: ā€œYou clicked XYZ button 100 times!ā€). When youā€™ve done the UI, ask a friend, or somebody to test out the UI, make sure they understand it without your help.

I think these are the main things you sould do.


A UI based game is really just a 2D game. Forcing 2 vectors seems like it would limit you in many ways, but 2D games usually have better game design than 3D or 2.5D games. I am talking about all video games and game design, not just Roblox, but If we are being Roblox specific you need to think about a young audience and multiplayer.

For any game design help you would need to be specific about what genre you want to make. Here is a video that talks about 2D game design and how to make good art for one: 5 Steps To Making A Gorgeous 2D Game - YouTube


Let me further clarify it is a website related game the UI will be in website format

Website game? Like .io games, or what do you mean?

Add a lot of sound effects and interaction to it, make it seem alive in some way

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Like the game will have a background of a website.

can you show some examples? i still have no idea of what website your even referencing since thereā€™s billions of different website styles.

Like A google Chrome, Safari but like with my own spin!

Not like separate websites but like giving the vibe you could say

I have seen this done before and I agree it makes it look nice how do you do this?

a color change on the button iā€™m hovering on wonā€™t exactly make that button ā€˜funā€™ to press, I donā€™t see your point

local  q = script.Parent
local a = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("TwitterCodes").Frame
local e = Instance.new("Blur", game.Lighting)
	if a.Visible == false then
		a.Visible = true
		a:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(1,0,1,0), "Out", "Type", .755, true)
		a.Text = "Text"
			for i = 1, 35 do
				e.Size += 1			

		a:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(1,0,1,0), "Out", "Type", .755, true)
		a.Visible = false
		a.Text = "Text"
			for i = 1, 35 do
				e.Size -= 1			

I think, typed it in here. lmk if thereā€™s any errors.

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Thatā€™s just an exampe of a feedback.
A hover effect will not make that button fun to press.

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oh, but making the button fun to press was right before that so i got confused

This would work even if the background is just ui?

Also @IceTheOneAndOnly, @Xsticcy and @darkpixlz

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Yeah, make the background the last color (darker black), and then all the prompts dark, if not using the blur.

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For only UI based games, yes. <f

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