I would use glitch for this. It is free to use and we will be coding the app using javascript. At the top right click new project then click hello-express. Once the project loads click on server.js under assets to the left. You can clear all the code out as we will be coding our own. Paste the code below into the server.js script
var express = require('express')
var app = express()
app.get("/", (request, response) => {
const noblox = require("noblox.js")
var loggedin = false
async function Login() {
try {
await noblox.setCookie(Cookie)
loggedin = true
console.log("Roblox Account Logged in")
catch (err) {
console.log("Roblox Account is not logged in")
app.post('/sendapplication/:user/:message', function (req, res) {
const params = req.params
noblox.message(params.user, "Subject Text Here", params.message)
Once you paste the code make sure to replace ROBLOSECURITY COOKIE with your roblosecurity cookie. Do not share this cookie with anyone as it can give them access to your cookies
I would also go ahead and make the project private so no one can steal your cookies. glitch will automatically make projects sleep after 5 minutes and you need to wake them up with an http request. For this, you can use uptimerobot Make an account then at the top left click Add New Monitor. Where it says “Monitor Type”, click and select HTTP(s). Put in a name for what you want it to be called.
Go back to your glitch app

Copy the live app link and paste it in where it says, “URL (or IP)”. Leave the Monitoring interval at 5 minutes. then click “Create Monitor”.
Now is the time to open up roblox studio. You need to make an http post request to the glitch app. To do this find the part of the code where you want it to send the application, (Make sure it is a server script) and then paste the code blow
local domain = "Project Name.glitch.me"
local userid = 2934038 --User id of the person you want to message
local message = "Message sent using glitch app and roblox!" --The message you want to send to the user
HttpService:PostAsync("http://"..domain.."/sendapplication/"..userid.."/"..message, {})
print("Application has been sent!")
Make sure to replace the variables with your own. Do not copy the link for the domain, change it to what the name of the project is. If you change the project name in the future make sure you update the script on roblox as well. That is all you need to do for this. If there are any issues feel free to reply to the message