What "nan" means

So I’m trying to script some stuff with body position and I’m getting “nan” values I know I’m doing something wrong in my code but I just want to know what this value means since I’ve never seen it before .


It stands for “Not a Number”. It usually happens if you try to perform an arithmetical operation that shouldn’t be even possible in the first place(or the result of it is undefined in the field of mathematics), like diving 0 by 0 or getting the tangent of 90 degrees.


That would result in complex numbers, not because it “shouldn’t be even possible in the first place”. The reason why it’s NaN is because IEEE-754 double precision floating points don’t account for complex numbers. By the way you phrased it, are you implying that sqrt(-4) isn’t possible instead of mathmatically being 2i?

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No, because I forgot to change that part after adding the “in the field of mathematics” because originally I wrote that example in the context of real number system. My bad.