What needs to be better with this?

I made something on studio, and I feel that something is off or needs to be more satisfying. Something feels unusual about it. Any feedback on whats going on?


(There are sound effects but this is a gif so you cant hear them)


Mate, everything looks absolutely fine with me. I think you should just make the motion of cookies more smoother and not like 20 frames per second rate. Everything else seems good to me. Nice work!

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Thanks, in game it is a lot smoother but I guess the gif lowered the fps rate. Thanks for the feedback

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Looks good overall, but I suggest that make the cookies more slightly bigger and the up and down animation, make it more smooth


Thanks for the feedback guys, quick question.
If I were to make anything more satisfying what would you recomend me adding? I guess its just me criticising my own work, but I need to add something more so I can achieve the right satisfaction