I am not a builder, but I recently started selling some clothing on a group. I wanted to make a game showing the avatars with my clothing. I made it, and something looks off, and its really empty.
Game Link:
(it looks worse in game lol)
I am not a builder, but I recently started selling some clothing on a group. I wanted to make a game showing the avatars with my clothing. I made it, and something looks off, and its really empty.
Game Link:
(it looks worse in game lol)
Why does the interior of the stores look so bland? Try adding some portraits, “graffiti” decals, plant decorations and more to add more ambience into the game.
I wouldn’t recommend to make your store so big either, unless you’re confident that you’ve got that many clothes to sell in the future.
Thanks, ill consider these, im planning on rebuilding it soon
In my opinion, I don’t think it is detailed enough, I know you said you aren’t a builder but no one needs to be anything to make things. I do see the before and after as a big improvement from before so you are definitely getting somewhere but the walls are very bland like you say. I think it’s because they are all one color. Maybe try and add different wall designs like parts sticking out to give it more texture. Maybe change the color of a couple of walls or search for some cool designs for walls. Speaking of texture, changing the material type of the walls might help give the place a more pleasant look.
Please don’t take anything I say to heart, I think it looks great already and with minor adjustments, it would be perfect for you!
The big problem here I think is that the space is way too big, it’s so big in fact that if you continue to decorate it, it will look clustered, but if you don’t decorate it, it will look bland. Try scaling the area down a big, go off of an image on google that you like. Building via image portrait helps me a lot sometimes and that’s coming from someone with well over 5 years experience.
What can I do to make the space smaller while fitting in all the stands? Should I lower the height?
If you want to make a space to show off all your different products, I wouldn’t put them all in one place. Make multiple small spaces that people can walk around in, it also lowers confusion. It’s unusual to see Public Service uniforms right next to Cafe uniforms, so why not make separate sections? I’m also looking to open my own clothing group so I can personally understand how frustrating things like this could be. My advice is create separate sections for everything, if you plan on making different uniforms for different countries, put each countries in a separate space.
Also, me personally - I think that the colour themes are a little bit bland. You’ve got it right making the details a different colour in contrast to the background, however just 2 colours wont really fit it. Try creating a mall-like atmosphere, glass windows, clothing displays etc etc and I promise you that it will look 10x better. a wooden theme never harmed anybody.
Thanks, maybe if I decide to expand the clothing store in the future, I would do this. In the meanwhile, im going to learn how to build better