What old roblox games should be brought back?

Pokemon Brick Bronze of course. (Too hard yea)

Yes. an SFOTH remake, but in the style of Super Doomspire! @Game_Impossible

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The game itself is not open sourced
as you can see here is original and the description of the game is now [ Content Deleted ]
but i think that remaking a Paintball Gun is good idea because the ball itself could lag too

You should make some sort of Gamemodes and add some more Gun mode to itself
suggest using FE Gun kit edited version to make it stable since there’s alot of features
it’s ok if you don’t wanna


I accually would like R2D 2013 aka Classic but today I discovered something lime that called R2D Classic so I dont need it

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The developers don’t want people to reupload brick bronze

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I know this game isn’t iconic and you might not know of it but there was this parkour game that i used to play and it had parkour in the title and had this music playing in the background and i used to play it all the time. you might not find it though and I still don’t know if it’s still up or not.

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Wasn’t too old, but it was Last Strike. It was basically call of duty on roblox. It was really fun, and I was good at it.

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Sorry, but we cant do that for copyright issuse.

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Do you know what it is called?
Can you try to put a link to the game, or at least a remake of it.

Put this in #help-and-feedback:game-design-support

I think maybe you should bring back pokemon brick bronze except without pokemon

I’d like to see the undead coming remade.


I wish I could find this old game from 2009 or so, which had like different island teams on which you’d be able to build using btools, and then you’d go around and shoot rockets and fight others with a linked sword. That was so much fun as a kid (also because of no FE which let me destroy others builds :rofl:).

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I will see what we can do. We wont be able to do it till you give the link to the game, or a remake of it.

If you could sent a link to the game that would be great. I will see what we could do.

Time to make a game purely about a bronze brick.

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I know thats a joke, but we could make pokemon bronze brick but without pokemon. It could be like you said, a game purely about a bronze brick.


That sounds cool. But what would the game have, a magical bronze brick?

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

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This is a developement disscusion about what games should be brought back, not about game design support.

If you give me a link to the original game, or to a remake of it, then we can try to remake it.