Hi developers! I am new to building and I want to know how to make an arch. I know you cant do that in vanilla studio. So I would like to know what plugin I should use. Thanks for reading!
First off, yes you can make an arch in regular studio. You could try rotating a cylinder, negating it, then union it with a cube.

If you want an alternative approach, you could try modelling an arch in Blender but that would probably be less efficient and more time consuming.
Currently I don’t know of any plugins that help a user create arches, i’ll be sure to link you a plugin if I find one.
EDIT: Scriptos’ Archimedes Two is a plugin i’ve heard going around, just installed it myself!
Wow! Thank you. I did not even know you could do that. I am new to studio so i don’t know most of the stuff. But thank you I will try that!
Whenever installing plugins, make sure they come from reputable developers to prevent any malicious attacks on your game. Lots of plugins are being cloned and edited to infect games with backdoors that can give users server side access, which they can then use maliciously.
I recommend using Scriptos’ Archimedes Two to create arcs, you can specify the angle for each part and then generate it using hotkeys or the UI button. You can also do this using Fractality’s Studio Build Suite and rotate parts around a pivot by selecting the edge. The studio build suite is a powerful tool and has other features too that you may find useful.
I predict that GigsD4X’s Building Tools by F3X probably have the same rotate by pivot feature (as well as other powerful building tools), but I haven’t used it so wouldn’t know.
No Problem!
If you are new to Studio, Unioning is an extremely powerful tool used in Studio, you can read more about it here. If you are struggling to create an arch or a basic 3D Model in Studio, I would definitely recommend learning 3D Modelling with Blender, its used to create Meshes, Character Models, UGC Items, etc. One tutorial that really helped me is this one by Surfaced Studio.
Cheers and happy building!