What Roblox's games page could look like in a few years

Hello! I need feedback of the new roblox website design pages I made.

Heres the person who made the gfx’s. They’re good! You should hire them.
GFX Artist For Hire - FireAtacck [OPEN] - Collaboration / Portfolios - DevForum | Roblox


Don’t give us hope. :pleading_face:

This UI looks very nice! All I would add is a bar for the Avatar Editor, Catalog, Settings, etc…


Yeah! I was looking forwards to doing that! I’ll be doing it soon, also the pages for them aswell


It looks fresh, but I don’t know what to add on the background, maybe just put a lighter version of the dark theme design? Sadly, also simulator and tycoons are falling apart, maybe put recently played games and some games a lot of people play.


I could do that on the games page, but there’s no space unfortunately, but what I can do is create a separate page demonstrating what your requesting!

Looks really nice and clean, good job bro!

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Thanks! I’m working on the catalog right now so keep a look out for that :eyes:

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New catlaog is out! Sorry it took long, school is boring and stressful :unamused:

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I’m gonna be making the avatar and settings page soon! Thanks for all the support! :grin:

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Very nice. Good thing the characters are not all anthro and stuff. :wink:

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Try showing off what a limited might look like on the page :eyes:

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The premium and collectibles row are kind of cramped together, you should put more empty space in between the two rows, the collectibles text almost touches the items in the top row. Imo the “collectibles” and “premium” text should be smaller and not italics.

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Imagine making a better GUI of the Roblox website and the 7 billion dollar company can’t make one that looks good and shows a V A R I E T Y of games. Good job mate! You have succeeded!

Edit: One problem is to change the font. Younger kids have trouble reading words that look different. Use a standard font maybe?

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The way I made these images is by using this photo editing software called canva.com. It literally limits you to only using bad fonts, if you could suggest me good editing softwares that are easy and doesn’t limit you, it’d really help! Thanks

I’d also have to re-create everything since canva doesn’t let you have previous versions of photos for some reason.

See I don’t make GUIs or photo things so I don’t know any software like that, but don’t stress to much as Roblox won’t use it. (probably. also what if they actually do use it :open_mouth: ) Still a great job and keep up the great work!

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Looks good, again lol. Something I could never do.

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We can only hope this will be the roblox page in the future

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