What rules would apply to early 1800 medical practices?

So I do know that gore games exist, but they suffer massive “terminated for being too graphic” issue once every so often.
Me and my mate were working on a game, and we stumbled upon a section where it was necessary to perform a medical operation.
Now, while you may ask “what’s the big deal? no different to hospital RP games?”. The issue is that the era our game is based on, the Napoleonic Era (1799-1815), whereas anesthesia was invented in 1846, meaning that the character has to perform a ‘live amputation’.
For those wondering why it’s so bad, don’t look it up, but my mate says that since it only took 2 minutes and we didn’t plan on making it super graphic e.g. the guy squirming around, blood everywhere and whatever, whereas I still reckon Roblox would tag it as too graphic, so I just want some opinions

TLDR - My game requires a character to receive a medical amputation during a time period where they were performed while they were awake (anesthesia didn’t exist), and we aren’t sure on the rules about it.

Description of Surgery (No images, just a description from an external site)

"Once held down, the wounded soldier had a leather tourniquet tied about 8cm (3 inches) above the place where the cutting would be done.

A knife was then used to slice down to the bone, arteries pinned out of the way and then the surgeon would begin his work with the bone saw.

There were two main types of saws used, a larger one for cutting through the thigh bone or femur, and a smaller one for the lesser leg bones and arms. Usually, the sawing would take under a minute to complete.

Next the arteries were sewn up and linen bandages were applied and then the stump was covered with a wool cap."
[Medical Treatment of Wounds During the Napoleonic Wars : Napoleon Bonaparte : 18th Century : Field Hospitals : Surgeons : (napoleonguide.com)] - (Medical Treatment of Wounds During the Napoleonic Wars : Napoleon Bonaparte : 18th Century : Field Hospitals : Surgeons :)
Note that this has diagrams and more for those interested. Look at own discretion


theres nothing wrong with doing something like that as long as it’s not some dude squirming around and blood flying everywhere you should be fine

also you should move this to #help-and-feedback:game-design-support

Apologies for this, haven’t used devforums in a while. Is there a certain option to do this now or do I need to flag my own post and add it to the notes?

no you can just move it to a different category by editing the post and moving it

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Done, thanks for the feedback aswell.