What service is Aurora Service

what is this service ?
i saw it and it piqued my curiosity because it autofilled in the getservice function

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doesn’t even have a documentation

what the skibidi


Things that don’t have a documentation probably means that it’s for Roblox internal use?

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I thought this was part of roblox’s attempt at server authority that they put on the roadmap (if you know what that is)
I may be wrong

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It doesn’t actually exist, the Roblox AI just made it up.
This happens all the time:

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Not sure if this is something that was in the works, or something that is in the works. However currently it does nothing, and doesn’t actually exists.

If you run game:GetService("AuroraService") it will return nil.


i think its a new service they’ll add some time in the future, roblox tends to add new things into live studio builds but not activate them just like that so people find it and get annoyed at it erroring because its not actually implemented (like BasePart:TorqueToAngularAcceleration() for example — it exists, but errors because its not actually implemented)

@GURVB he literally showed a picture of it being autocompleted, which directly means it exists, this has nothing to do with ai

I have it too and according to the autocomplete AuroraService seems to have these functions entirely unique to itself:
.Synced — RBXScriptSignal
.Desynced — RBXScriptSignal
:NetSync(target: Instance) —> void (returns nothing)
:NetDesync(target: Instance) —> void
:IsDesynced(target: Instance) —> boolean
:StepPhysics(worldStep: number, parts: {Instance}?) —> void
:GetServerView(target: Instance) —> Instance
:GetWorldStepId() —> number
:UpdatePropierties(target: Instance) —> void
:GetDesyncedInstances() —> {any}
:GetRemoteWorldStepId() —> number
:SetIncomingReplicationLag(seconds: number) —> void

seems to me like its doing something with networking and physics


wdym? i thought roblox code autocomplete is ai-based, it’s called code assist

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autocomplete has always existed, back when the closest thing to ai was cleverbot, since way before ai was a thing. autocomplete uses basic pattern recognition logic

code assist is the ai actually typing your code for you when you press RALT+\

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what i mean is that Roblox added an ai-based feature that essentially autocompletes code, and i’m suggesting that that’s the autocomplete he was saying


i was looking for insertservice and thought it was named like assetservice

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Buddy did not read OP’s post, its a real service.


code assist and autocomplete are completely unrelated
one works and people actually use it all the time (i use it even for single letter variables), the other is only used when the developer gets bored and wants to know what kind of nonsense the ai will try to spit out, but wont actually use that code

code assist:



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