What should Adventure Game's Common Enemies be?

Basically what the title says, not sure what common, non-boss enemies should be.
Try not to suggest any type of human enemy (viking, pirate, etc)
This is because in the world which I am building, humans do not exist.
im incredibly uncreative.

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I can’t give an actual answer to this, but I can give you some suggestions. If I were you I would’ve added enemies that match the theme of the game. If you’re still struggling I would suggest you look for some inspiration. Other than that I think you should go for whatever you think of.

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Goblins and hedgehogs and small dragons and abominations of animals.


For most roleplays of your sort, monsters are the enemies, as @nanosph suggested.

If you want to get real creative, turn the wilderness against them. Trees that come alive, vines that drag you into the branches if you don’t chop them off. . . Might be fun.


From most of the games I played I have seen a common theme of these enemies:

  • skeleton
  • zombie
  • slime ( Different colors meaning different things in most cases. Something like fire slime being orange. )
  • goblin with a bow ( Don’t know why this is so common as it is very similar to a zombie. )
  • Golem ( Usually a giant rock thing, but could also use ice or molten rock. )
  • The most common is probably a dragon as a boss
  • Random animals in real life. Like a rhino, sheep, boar, bee, etc.

Playing games in the genre you want to make would really help. Turn based adventure RPG games blaze the trail for most of the enemy types we see in adventure games. A game you could use for inspiration could be Fairune.


Probably just your standard grunts. Then as you progress through the game, they get replaced by even more powerful versions. You could also mix up the variety by adding different kinds like ones that have melee weapons and ones with ranged weapons.

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could I ask what time this game is going to be set in and what place it will be? You can normally get ideas for enemy’s from just those items

Daemons, tree monsters, wolf’s, kitsunes, slimes, and goblins.

You could even have these enemies have different properties like elements or a different appearance based on their level.

just look at the behemoths from dauntless lol

Any creature that is considered a monster.

That wilderness idea is actually really cool, mind if i take inspiration?

No, feel free to take whatever inspiration you’d like, that’s why I posted.

your average zombie

bro tip : get inspiration from other games but don’t copy them