What should be my Premium feature? - CLOSED

So I want to add a feature that only Premium players can access, but I can’t make it pay to win. The game I want this for is

Here are some ideas I created:

Do these ideas seem good? I have a poll, so please give everything you seem is good. If you pick Other, then please tell me in a reply. Thank you!

  • x1.5 cash - if you want this to be smaller or bigger reply!
  • Access to a better cocoa tree
  • Access to a reward chest - reply how much cash you should earn
  • Other - write in a reply!

0 voters

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I don’t think it’s a good idea to just give premium played access to a better looking coco tree, it dosent really make sense, it should be the same for everyone! But honestly, 1.5x cash and chests would be your best option, in my opinion.

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Oh yeah what I meant by better cocoa tree is they earn like 2 cocoa instead of 1 from that cocoa tree

Oh, I misunderstood you because you said better looking, as in style. So yeah, add that too!

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Well i think premium should earn 2x more money and earn them faster and have a special cocoa tree or i dont know some tree from game that cost alot of money or i dont know a pack of stuff well i hope this post will be helpful for your game

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Make the reward less p2w: Some furnitures which doesn’t gives you advantages, like a gold wall.

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Just FYI, I bet you would make more money by selling the for example 1.5x cash.

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I feel like p2w things would be like: get the best item in game if you have premium. So I mean, my ideas aren’t really p2w but maybe like 1%.

I wouldn’t give premium players a bonus at all. What makes the premium players more special then the cassual players?

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I think, it better to Premium players can spend less money on some thing like a cocoa tree but with cheaper price than normal price. Maybe it kinda p2w, i think.

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@Eladon premium players give the owner a boost in money. It’s to encourage players to buy premium, not just for the sake of treating them differently.

Hes a small roblox developer. There is no point in adding special features for premium users. He should focus on the non premium users first since its a bigger audiance. @BenDude343

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Assuming your intention is to pressure F2P players into going premium for your game (if it’s not you shouldn’t be compromising your gameplay by adding it), the reward needs to leverage social interactions between players by making the benefit tangible.

More money doesn’t mean much to other players and will generally be ignored, but tell players they can’t go somewhere or can’t have some unique thing - that gives F2P players a visible haves-and-have-nots situation that will drive a good portion of them to go premium.

So don’t do just “more money” or some means of earning more money, because anyone can get money. Premiums need something unique they can show off.


You get a small amount daily but eventually it all adds up. Just because he’s a small developer doesn’t mean he should be discouraged from using that feature.


In most ways, I highly disagree with this new premium feature/payout thing. This is going to drive some developers to focus much more on the premium players. I believe all players should have some sort of drive to want to play and master the game, not just Premium where you have special features to help beat/toy with other players. I would suggest not giving a ton of new/special features to them, but giving them a smaller one.

I am a very small developer. I really just want my game(s) to be somewhat played a lot. Since this new premium payouts feature is out, I just wanted to test it. Not likely many premium players will play my game anyway :sob:

I am also a small developer, I only have around 45k place visits and 2-3 consecutive players in one of my games. However, since a smaller percentage of the Roblox community actually has Roblox Premium, I still suggest mainly focusing on the regular playerbase, then possibly doing stuff for premium users.

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Premium rewards are nice, but it’d be better if the rewards weren’t advantageous (e.g. more cash).

Cosmetic features that have no impact on gameplay will be the best options here, otherwise you’ll be angering the regular playerbase (which you’ll undoubtedly have more of). People won’t mind too much if you give them rewards that they can show off, but they will mind if they’re considered less important.

You need to find the balance between P2W gameplay and free gameplay for your premium players. Promoting P2W on your game will most likely be viewed as a poor choice.

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Wholeheartedly agree. There’s enough P2W features as is on many front page games.

That being said, giving more power to premium players would likely incentivize more to join and stick around. There isn’t too much data out there to really support my claim so far but I suspect that we’ll see more of this as devs experiment with this new feature.

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Sure, to some extent.
If you make the game too easy, the challenge is lost and with that, players will become bored and eventually leave the game. A game shouldn’t be impossible, nor should it be easy. That’s purely in plain text- and it’s almost as simple as that. Challenge is yet another ingredient in game development, and shouldn’t be ignored in order to gain a bit more Robux.

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