What should I add/ fix to my boss fight?

I made a boss fight about a robot that is controlled by a duck and has 2 phase with the 2nd one having 1 more attack, here is a screenshot of what he looks like
Here is what he looks like in his 2nd phase
Here is a video of gameplay and brief explanation

Duck Chaos [HALLOWEEN🎃] - Roblox
^^^ game that i took bicu’s soda from check it out ^^^

Give me ideas for what I should add or fix for the boss fight! :yum:

Forgot to mention the health packs that spawn in phase 2 sowwy

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Make the arena look better, a simple cube won’t cut it. Plus the boss is very basic you should add more detail. Add an skybox, mess with the lighting.

Good idea i should add more atmosphere and i thought about changing the map before to like a battle arena with seats and npcs in the seat (of course) and making it bigger. And for the boss i was thinking about some robot ugcs or shirts/pants to make him look like a robot more

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Try putting more detail into the boss’s second phase and the arena itself. Also the AI is pretty basic. Could improve on the VFX too. No hate though.

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