So I tried building a lobby for a story game releasing on christmas. What should I add to it?
It looks neat, but I recommend you add some textures to the train, the wall and the floor. Otherwise, it’s a pretty neat build.
Looks good so far, here is a few suggestions:
- Benchs
- Posters
- Plants
- Better lighting
- Elevator (?)
- Metal Pipes/Wires on top
- Christmas decorations
i can’t think about more things to add
good luck with your build tho
Flower pots, mud benches Christmas tree hawkers and santa claus
I would suggest improving train model looks out of scene.
Small props that are seen majority of subway stations, include colors to fix it up from looking dull and plain. Adding a leaderboard is something seen in many type of sorry games.
In general the area looks good, do you mind including more images from variety of angles? I would include maybe a shop within the build, if its something players will spend most of there time in. I would add some activities for users to explore or at least an shop players can interact with. Overall while it’s still in development consider adding colors to different parts of the build to give it a nice touch!