What should I do now that my game failed?

The most important thing is to not give up. One problem may be is that the people who played it may not like the type of game your making (e.g. people who play a lot of shooters may not like strategy games very much and vice versa).

I would recommend playing games that are similar to yours, making friends there, and inviting them to try your game, so that way you have players that are more likely to enjoy what you are making and can give you some good feedback on how to improve your game.

Keep trying, there are always ups and downs in life, but that’s not a reason to give up. You should keep trying and motivate yourself. :+1:

If you’re a beginner what did you expected? good games comes with great ideas but to make the idea a game its required experience and skills.

I personally suggest you to not stop creating games because a failed game is better than not having a game at all, take this experience and turn it into a good game when you have enough knowledge/skills.

Spending dozens, or in some cases hundreds, of hours on a project only to get a mob of people trashing your work and harassing you, that’s one of the worst things to experience on Roblox. It’s perfectly normal to be demoralized if that happens to you. You might even have to step away from the platform for a month to mentally recover.
(Note: After enough times you just kinda get used to it and can shrug it off, but I’m writing this with newer devs in mind)

It’s easy to say “keep trying until you succeed”, but in practice this can take many attempts, toil, and anguish. There are other things you can do with your time that aren’t as painful. So the question then becomes: What are you getting out of this? Why do you want to develop? And if you don’t actually care that much, walking away is a legitimate option. Again, there are other things you can do with your time.
But let’s say you do care. In that case, you’re already on the right path just by making this post. Turn to people who can cheer you up and encourage you to keep going, and when you’re feeling better, get back to it. Your health and wellbeing are FAR more important than a Roblox game.


It’s not over until you truly believe it is. This process you’re going through will be an experience you won’t regret, though it’s not an enjoyable one. You’ll learn how to handle negativity and stay strong to your developer convictions. As for what you should do - this could go many ways. If you don’t want to let go of the game then don’t. Find some way to innovate it and begin the revival process. I’m currently in the middle of it and my motivation is at the highest it’s ever been right now.

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