What should I do now that my game failed?

(Sorry if this is the wrong category, if it is, please, where i should put it?)
I made a game, it was a complete fail, everybody that played hated it, so i closed it and now, what i should do? Should i try to make games again? Should i make builds just for fun? Should i give up and never open studio again? Before replying, keep in mind that i am a starter and i am only “good” at building


This is entirely up to you.

If you had fun making your game or if you want to make more, you should certainly have another attempt - just don’t make the same mistakes as last time.

If you really feel discouraged from making games, you could always mess around for a while and work on your technical skills, and you’ll likely feel like giving it another shot at some point in the future.

Do what feels right for you - if you know what caused your game to flop, I would definitely suggest you take those points and apply them to a new project. Even if your next project fails, you’ll still be one step closer to success since you won’t make the same mistake twice.


Don’t give up! Just cause you failed one time doesn’t mean you’ll fail every time. I made up my own quote cause I give up a lot, here it is, “Giving up is for cowards.” Basically, you shouldn’t be afraid of failing if you keep thinking, “What if people hate this game” or, “What if no one plays it.” Then you won’t succeed. I suggest putting that failed game to the past and start looking into the future. If you keep thinking about your mistakes you won’t be able to move on. Hope this helps! :smiley:

  1. Make a team: Offer people a payment. Such as a % of earning. Upfront robux or Paypal. Some devs like the recognition and a rank etc with a % of the earnings

  2. Game plan: Discuss with your team or on your own a game plan. It could be a large obby or a simulator or a roleplay game, etc. Think about what you and your team are capable of doing.

  3. A group or advirstiments: Advirtising your game for people to click on. Make it look interesting or real. Don’t clickbait by adding youtubers to your advirtisments becuase then it will be taken down by roblox.

Hope this helps, Let me know on discord if you need anything else. DaGamer#0802

Thanks @Fab_TheRat and @sou_p, i think i will try to improve my skills and then try making games again :smiley:


bruhh dont give up try until you make it

i am also making a game but i am very bad at building as u see in mah game

may be we can both partner up as @CoolGamer2609 said
but its totally up to you


I dont have robux and money to pay devs, thats why i work solo

lol thats not how it works

we get robux from recurring payments that means if you join mine you get X% of robux which i earn from the game
you don’t have to pay anyone for that if they agreed to join recurring payment

If you re read what I put you can make an offer with the % of robux earned from the game can go to them. Devs like me also accept a rank and recognition. Think about it. Look at the #collaboration section as loads of people have portfolios sitting there not getting recognition. Speak to them and get a offer going. Its entirely up to you. Be creative.

I am very shy and i dont think i can make a game with other people, and there is a high chance of the game dont get famous and we dont get anything with it

Expect failure, especially on your first project. I’ve made over 200 places on Roblox, abandoned most, some released and failed. I’ve had 2 successes from so many projects, and it was still worth it. Don’t give up.

As others have mentioned, percentage payment is often accepted by many newer developers, you always have that option.

Look Honestly. I don’t mind helping you with a game depending on what the game is about. I won’t expect payment as you are a new developer but I would expect payment if the game gets more popular. We can help each other along the way. If you don’t want to partner up with me or @TOMJOE_JAMES its fine. Its entirely up to you.

Every successful game has tons of unsuccessful ones before but no one would dare ask you about them once u r what u want to be
I can help u if u wish! I wont take any payment or percentage and we can work together
I know there are many other devs out here to help new developers into the family
Best of luck!

You just started. I recommend to keep going. Make some builds, and compare them and see if they were better than the last. Then, if you think you are good enough, make a game again.

I would treat it as a hobby rather than a job. Don’t worry about making money right now, and just focus on what you think is fun. If you wanna keep going its entirely up to you, but I don’t think you should stop at one fail. This is atleast how I handle it


Making a game isn’t about what they think, it’s about what you think. If you are proud of it and want to share it, then publish it. If you are not proud of it, then improve it. If you can’t improve it, then get help from someone who can help you improve it.

Sorry to be off topic but, the guns in this game are amazingly made! Did you make them yourself?

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nah i just modified it i used free models

Here’s a great answer @CJ_Oyer wrote when answering a similar topic!

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If you’re truly dedicated to developing, don’t quit. You still have a lot of time to learn from your mistakes and refine your skills, so don’t get so demoralized my guy.