Hello! I have been learning to model in Blender lately and was wondering what I should try to model to get practice? I was wondering if you guys could give me suggestions on what to model? Maybe send some simple examples(Pictures would be nice ) , something a beginner like me could model in Blender (I can’t do advanced stuff like guns). If the model turns out good, I will send it to you
I tried to do rocks to learn, it’s actually very helpful as you learn quite a bit of stuff. UV unwrapping, textures, moving points and modelling. Here is what I’ve been doing. https://gyazo.com/a8f57ed0acd619d1e70bbeee8a72e394
@Crills1 Please read the thread and the information before replying. OP is looking for beginner things to create while that is a good suggestion, but he can’t model guns.
A basic chessboard is a good beginner exercise, you will learn how the subdivision surface modifier works to make smooth shapes. Maybe try looking at a few images to give you inspiration this could be a tree, piggy bank, rocks, something simple that could give you a idea on what to make inside blender.
Table or chairs. Easy, perhaps, but you can always use this in a project some day down the line. Unlike find something your most interested in this could be a donut, trees, plants, ect. Try to add materials and textures and do a studio render or something like that could work. Check beginner real time modeling on youtube and try to do similar stuff.
Try making a simple Snowman, a old key, a simple candy shop. This should be everyone’s first model or something they want to create. I’d suggested just modeling everyday objects if you really want to improve your skills.