What should I name my game dev group?

I have two games planned that I want to make a sword fighting game and a space game. Is their any name that sort of works with both of those things? I am also open with the name being unrelated to the games.


It depends on what you want the group to represent. A group could be the home for all games created by a team or organisation so the name would probably be the same as team or organisation name. Groups can also be used as a game specific meeting place or a place to provide support or marketing for the game, in which case it would be named after the game.

In your case you could potentially have three groups, 2ova Productions to represent you and anyone you collaborate with in future and one for each game.

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Astro Wave Productions
Iā€™m pretty bad at naming stuff but yeah. :flushed:

How about Cosmos Studio?

ā€œ Dominus Gladiorum ā€ Uh tbh I dont rly know but I think this sounds cool.

space knights in space

it hears good

2ova the space knight

Sure, how about
Brotherhood of Parts

If it sounds too Developy
Maybe like
The Temple of 2ova???