What should I use for a knockback?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. I want to make a knockback system and actually i have already finished it, but i am asking some questions

  2. I am currently using LinearVelocity, but this could lead to some issues, for example if a player is too close to a wall it can be flang away

  3. I was thinking to make a RayCast to cast where the player should be knocked, and then make an AlignPosition set to the result position, so if there is a wall i could also make like Deepwoken’s where when you get knocked back to a wall you take more damage

What do you suggest?

You can probably just use :ApplyImpulse that doesn’t need any extra things and completes the process quickly and easily

Yea but if im right it only works if put in a server script, and we all know that there is a delay between server and client

I have been using Body Gyro for knockbacks and it is doing fine for me