What should my game be like?

Hello! I’m a new developer creating a game called, “Legend of Zeda”.

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I was wondering if I should make this game a 1 player adventure game or a multiplayer dungeon crawler. Please leave your feedback! Thanks!

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It depends on what kind of game you want to make. If you are going for a Breath of the Wild kind of game, I would make it singleplayer. But because Roblox is such a socal gaming platform, I would make it multiplayer. One idea is that you make it a single player world, but you can add multiplayer dungeons. Just teleport the players from place to place. I have no idea if this will work or not though. But I really like the Zelda theme! Keep up the amazing work!

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If you want it to be multiplayer go on with it. You are the dev of the game so you get to make this choice.

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