What Should This Be?

I started building this small structure and didn’t really know what it should become, I had some ideas, simple ones, like warehouse, shed, garage, maybe house? I don’t know, nor am I “Up to the times”, I was just wondering what the community would think this could become, and as always feedback is much appreciated.


(Sorry for the lack of photos, but there’s not really much to see anyways.)

I am not really sure what it can be, but it maybe can be an outdoor bar area? You know those ones at the back of some higher end homes that has a bar and a few tables. Just a thought considering it appears to be more stone material (based off the pillars and the bottom part of the exterior wall) which is generally higher quality thing.

But if you make it a more metal material it might be a garage or shed.

I haven’t even really completed all the walls, let alone texture or color it. Now that I think about it, this is a silly post, either way, thanks for your feedback and ideas, they are much appreciated!

Hm, it could possibly be a indoor garden.
Based on the look of your build, it kinda reminds me of an indoor garden.

I think that a garage is your best bet for playing it safe.