What site should i use to make a gun model other than blender?

This should help you

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One thing I will say is that Blender will probably be pretty slow on your Chromebook.

To be honest with you, you should use blender thereā€™s many tutorials on youtube that might help you

I donā€™t know how you have roblox studio on chromebook are you using grape juice or something?

i dont have roblox studio on here its just my computer is used in the morning and i just hop on here to do school work. Donā€™t ask me why I still use this piece of junk.

Well here you go I guess
try this:

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none of those workā€¦ Iā€™ve tried that.

Wait that means your chromebook articechture is ARM or something, so uh you donā€™t really have an other option other then rewriting grape juice or something

If you really canā€™t decide, use Roblox Studio.