What texture resolution should I aim for when adding textures to the game?

Hi all,

In the process of creating textures for my game and was wondering what resolution I should aim for when uploading into Roblox. Specifically, I’m adding textures to the floor of a building and want to tile it repeatedly.

I want to support the game for pretty much every device, so I want to make sure the textures look good while avoiding being too resource intensive. Does Roblox automatically do something for this or do I need to know the resolution going into it? Still new to this part of development as I’ve mostly done scripting in the past.



Shooting for 256x256 is pretty reasonable in my experience - smaller is always more ideal however.

Though remember to fill in any transparency if you don’t need any part to be transparent. Roblox automatically compresses textures for mobile/low end devices, and any alpha data makes the compression not as… compressed? It’s not too much of an issue but if you’re really concerned about performance then keep it in mind :sunglasses:


i would recommend if its a repeating tile to go for 512 per tile


Personally I would split up the textures into 3 categories.

First the High-priority category: Think about key elements that need to be readable or textures that are going to be seen from close up like a first person weapon texture and HUD elements.
Give these textures the highest necessary resolution. But don’t make them too big so they are scaled down later.

Medium category: Textures that are important for the game mechanics.
average resolution for this category would be 256x256

Low-priority: Most textures would fall under this category. Textures for set dressing, repeating textures for walls, objects the player’s camera doesn’t get close to.
average resolution for this category would be 124x124

As for all textures you can use services to compress them (tinypng and compressjpeg are the ones I use). And that can help a lot without much quality loss.