What things would people like to see in a looter shooter style game?

So far, games like destiny and borderlands (which are looter shooter games) have been successful. Why hasn’t anyone tried to make one and if it was created, what would people like to see? I’m currently in a process of creating one; and I gotten a working loot system down to 5 separate tiers.
So far what I would want to see in a looter shooter is gear that is worth getting and things like a skill tree to upgrade your character stats. A randomized weapon system would be cool to have as well; along side randomized weapon parts similar to borderlands.


The games you listed as examples (Destiny and Borderlands) are made by big budget studios.

Roblox (in its current state) doesn’t really encourage nor support larger studios, as has been discussed and analyzed on other threads.

That type of game has massive development costs and development time, and it might not be worth it. This is one of the underlying causes for the simulator craze.