Heyo, as you can see by my role, I do programming. I’ve been on Roblox for years and naturally, I do pretty good at Roblox building (slapping shapes into shapes). After awhile of programming stuff, Roblox is starting to evolve bit by bit and my knowledge of building is becoming a little archaic so I figured I should learn at minimum, the basics of modeling. So I’m here looking for tool suggestions, I’ll start out with my goals and hopefully some of you can suggest the 3rd party tools you’ve grown to using.
From my title, I’m looking for tools capable of Modeling/texturing/animating. I know Blender is a highly talked about tool so likely I will find many tutorials for it, but is Blender good for texturing and animating also? I’m curious if there is 1 tool that can do all 3 or if anyone has found it easier to pick up a couple tools. Any tool suggestions? It doesn’t have to be all just one tool.
TL;DR - I’d like to make Meshes for Roblox, but I would also like being able to have reasonable ability to texture my meshes and animate them, definitely support for implementing bones, due to the skinning update. Any tool suggestions? It doesn’t have to be all just one tool.
From the common and known software. Blender has the capabilities to do all these options there are many great softwares out there for modeling and animating. However most 3D software cost money or you have to purchase them with a license to use the additional tools and features, there are many tutorials including modeling and animating in blender as you will find guides and resources as you will learn overtime.
This third party tool is a free open source software for developing meshes, materials/texturing, animating quality designs. there is a lot of guides and sources that include beginner steps. The best part about the 3D modeling software Blender is it’s free and no cost is included. If you are looking for basic guides research around as you will find many of the things your trying to create.
From my understanding; Blender has the tools for texturing there are other programs for making texturing your models; if your looking for paid options I wouldn’t recommend it since paid software have similar tools and options: