What to do if your union hitboxes aren't accurate


So I made a union based barrier. The hitbox, however, was pretty off, so I kept remaking. But I slowly realised that the hitbox isn’t based from the union’s separate pieces, but instead, it’s inaccurate and rounded off based from the final union product. Any support to this statement? Is this just a weird bug?

I couldn’t walk further forward as there seems to be an extra hidden barrier there, I checked carefully for this supposed barrier, but it was not the case. It’s the union wall (the white wooden one) that’s stopping me, even though visually the hitbox isn’t accurate. The other corners also appear to be this way.

Here’s what the union looks like. Basically a box with an opening as seen middle bottom of the union, and a small chunk taken out of it as seen top left of the union.
I even tried rubbing my terrain tool against the corners to see if there is a hitbox there, and sure enough there was.


That’s just unions being unions. It looks like you use them for the walls. I would separate the walls because it causes less lag and the barriers go away. Maybe post this in #platform-feedback tho?


Yeah, just so you know the union was slightly more complicated as there was a chunk taken out of it, it wasn’t just 4 walls with an opening. Trust me, I’ll never use unions when 100% not needed lol, but I will separate the walls (barriers) of course, just curious :stuck_out_tongue:
But I think union hitboxes in the end are not accurate.

I’ll reform this sentence a bit so people don’t get confused

Hey there @EthanDSYT! If you didn’t know how you can fix hitboxes that union gives you, once you make a union make sure you click on the union you made then find option “RenderFidelity” and make sure It’s on “Precise”. then scroll down a bit down and find another option which goes by the name of “CollisionFidelity” and make sure you select “PreciseConvexDecomposition” then you will now be able to go through your union and hitbox won’t bother you! A lot of beginners tend to not know about these two options but I hope I just helped some people to continue developing & use unions. Anyway, I hope you’re having a nice day. Glad I could help you! :slight_smile:


That explains everything lol
Hopefully developers will learn from this, thanks :smiley:


No problem! Always glad to help! :slight_smile:


If you ever want to see your Unions Collision Geometry there is a Studio Setting that allows you to see the Union rendered as it appears physically, but it’s a pain to switch back and forth, then change a Property of the Union to make the Setting change show up.
I just use this, much easier!


Thanks, will use it! :smiley: 30CHARRRRRR@!R!R!#R