What to do with 300 robux for game?

Hi guys! I have an issue with ads and my robux. I have only 300 robux to spend for my game, but I have no idea what to do with it. My game only gets 1-3 players because we didn’t have that much robux. Is it possible for us to make robux without spending any? Me and my friend spent all of our robux and we made 330. We were thinking of contacting a few youtubers and many replied. Problem is each one of them combined is 40k subs. Are we doomed? I tried doing gfx but no one contacted me. Parents aren’t willing to either. You can’t find investors due to them being banned in many servers.

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I would try and get as many people to play it as you can without spending Robux. If it’s fun and addictive, then even getting your friends to play could bring it to life, as their friends see them playing and then their friends see them and the chain continues. I work with a huge developer who spent 0 Robux on his first game and he says it just blew up over night. I’m not sure if you have ever played Scary Stories made by @joshie1122334455, but that’s the guy.


Uhm, you really can’t do anything with 300 Robux if you mean advertising.
You should try on twitter.
On a lot of platforms, like to sponsor, post sneak peaks of your game.
And get youtubers to play it.

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You can get your friends to play it and if they like it that much, they might invite their other friends to play the game. You need to make sure that your game’s plot is intriguing— it should also have gameplay aspects that’ll lure the players and make them want to play your game more, if they really enjoy it, then they might support your game and you could start making earnings, just be patient and also make sure that your game concept is unique and something that’ll appeal to the majority of players.

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I’d advise adding some relevant tags to your place’s description. You’d be surprised on how many people find games through searching them in the game search. I’d recommend adding tags to the description of your game that match certain aspects of your game, and try thinking of words a player would search for if you wanted your game to show up.

I earn 500 robux a day from a game I’ve never advertised, not on Twitter, not on Roblox, not on Youtube, just from players finding it in the game search. I might have been lucky in this case, but this obviously has to have at least a small impact and is worth doing anyway.

As for using your robux, it’d be best to spend them on advertising a little bit every few days.
Also, if your game caters to a certain platform, make sure to do sponsors and not adverts.