What to do with a supermarket?

I’ve built a supermarket. I’m working on models for shelves, aisles and counters. The problem is, I have no real use for it. I would like to make a game set in a supermarket, since that atmosphere has rarely been done in many games. That means not leaving the supermarket, the entire game is set inside it.

I’ve come up with a couple ideas for a gameplay, but I’d like to hear what ideas you might have.

  • A game similar to “Night of the consumers” where you have to stock shelves in a supermarket. Customers will come up to ask you to do tasks, (e.g. show them where a certain aisle is) and failure to do either in time causes you to get fired.
  • The player needs to specific items in preparation for a boss battle. (Sounds wierd, I know.)
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You could make it a model and then use it for other games? Maybe you could make a map that is only made out of that supermarket for maybe a horror game?

“The return of the cursed supermarket”

Maybe make a game where you work at a supermarket? Restocking shelves, working as a cashier, etc.

Yeah that could work. I would be happy to see that as a game. I would also definitely check it out.

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The last one seems very cool and unique, I would love to see that happen.

Maybe you can have one where you just sit at the cashier and do your job. But now you have to do the math by yourself and also deal with different types of people.

That would actually be great for the Education sort, it seems fun and has m a t h

Idk, the Learn & Explore sort isn’t very popular. I’ve been considering what @R02_0 was saying, since I’m not that great at making very horror-type games.

I wasn’t saying it would be good overall for the game (it might) But it’d definitely fit in Learn and Explore.

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Either use it for a game, or make it cost like several robux as a model.

I want to use it for a game, I’m just trying to figure out what kind of game to make with it.