I want to start doing more commissions but finding them/getting accepted takes a long time (I did some around a year ago and it was really fun), so I was wondering what to add to my portfollio (that is impressive but doesn’t take too long) to make it easier finding them.
Thanks for any tips!
Honestly it really depends on what you’re applying to. (i.e. a shooting game wouldn’t be looking for a cafe :handto system)
Some things that look impressive on a portfolio in general could be,
Advanced UI scripting (drawing/art, drag and drop, etc)
Velocity (Cars, guns, wind, etc)
Chat commands
Player status indicators (AFK, typing)
Player animations
There’s lots of other things but that’s what’s on top of my head, also keep in mind what I said about where you’re applying. It’s fine to change up your portfolio based on that