What trademark and copyright symbols can I use?

So I’m making a new cafe roleplaying game, but I was wondering what trademark and copyright symbols I’m allowed to use.

For example, when would I be able to use ® or ™ on my assets, game titles or group titles? I see that some popular roleplaying groups use the ® symbol, but I just want to be sure when I can use it and what it means.

If anybody has an answer to my question, please post below. Thank you!


Short Explanation
I don’t think anyone will really care if you put that symbol in an asset name.

Long Explanation:
I mean you can use them but those symbols are just referring to trademark stuff. Trademarking is the legal ground in which companies can own a brand. This is not to be confused with copyrighting which is more focused on specific assets. Trademarking is typically fairly expensive (you’re looking at a minimum of 1000 USD in the US) so I doubt those other people have registered trademarks for their groups.

If you put a trademark symbol on the title of a brand or product line that you create (aka a group or game or whatevs) it won’t give you any grounds for trademarking (upon creation you automatically own the copyright though). Since putting the ® or ™ symbol on an unregistered product is technically lying, you could be in violation of a few consumer transparency laws - but I would be beyond shocked if any governing body pursued it, especially since lying about being trademarked doesn’t really hurt the consumer in any direct way. The only thing anyone really has to worry about on Roblox is violating another company’s trademark (remember the fate of Pokemon Brick Bronze?) because those laws are frequently enforced.

Btw I’m no trade law lawyer and could be wrong on some of these things. If your product gets big (like earning +10k a month level) definitely double check with an actual lawyer to make sure you’re safe across the board - not just with this specific issue. Better safe than sorry!


Okay! Thank you for the advice! I will make sure to remember that!


I wanna bring this up again, CJ_Oyer of the superhero 2018 event. I got the super pup what countries am I violating laws specifically. I wasn’t able to find much info relevant to international

Sorry for bumping this topic


I thought that ™ was for unregistered trademarks and ® for registered trademarks as of I used ™ on my brand and have recorded if in multiples videos for Yt when showing something like my group and in the intro can I use it still after changing the brands and what about groups how can I protect my groups if I just name my group somoene else can name Thier group the same with official or ( official group) by it and claim they are the official brand

™️ is for unregistered trademarks. ®️ is for registered trademarks